Monday, June 9, 2008

Investing In My Future

First of all, if ya didn't know... I GOT A JOOOOOOB!! YES!!! My job is to help customers with their internet connection problems over the phone. Today was my first day of training (which I get paid for) and I must say I actually enjoyed it. I find this job very beneficial. Not only is it pretty decent pay. It will also teach me skills that I can apply to situations in the future. So I'm happy to be a part of this company. I scored 100% accuracy on the first test! Hopefully this continues so that I can begin working with the company when training ends. Well, that was just a lil diddy on what I'm up to. Don't really have a whole bunch to say, so I'm out. Gotta study my info and get ready for the next day! Thanks for reading! Be blessed!


Bobby_2010 said...

Welcome..gonna add you to my blogroll!!!

Endangered Species said...

Thanks for the welcome! (Why am I just now seeing it? lol)