Sunday, July 13, 2008

OMG Are You Fucking Serious???!!!

Ok... Yeah... I f'n hate work... And I f'n hate the deaf a** dumb a** f's who called today. I know why I can't save "it" for a rainy day. Cuz I'd turn it into the most beautiful and brilliant light... ^_^ AND THROW IT IN PEOPLE'S F'N FACES!! And it'll leave them f'n faceless. The absence of a face to match their absence of class and absence of anything slight of intelligence.

On a much lighter note... I thank God for the people who don't think the world revolves around them. The people who are caring and giving and wanna help you when they see you in need especially the ones who are just observant of their surroundings and hear you across the room asking someone for change for a dollar... and they ask you "You need a dollar?" because they know you're struggling and not too ashamed to say it, but just not sure if anyone cares. Yep... These are the people who keep me from becoming a super villain and changing my name to Theiolar. lol But yeah, thank you to the family, friends, and just good people who keep me from the dahkness dep in meh eart (darkness deep in my heart). I love you!!

Oh yeah... And my chair broke today too. LMAO Didn't fall or nothin. The back part just came off. ROFLMAO... Holla!

Friday, July 11, 2008

What Is The World Coming To??!!!

So... I had some real crazies call Friday (June 11th). They would NOT listen!! They were UMBLEEBLY incompetent! I was giving them everything I had for them. Dumbing it down to the simplest level I found possible, so that any bumbling idiot with the brain capacity of at least a two year old (a slow and fuckin dumb one). Yet this ultimate level of simplicity was too much for these bumbling idiots to comply to. Look... either do what the fuck I'm tellin you... or talk to my supervisor... YOU FUCKING... IDIOTS!!!! You DON'T wanna follow any of my directions, so either talk to my supervisor, or hang da fuck up... Either way... GET DA FUCK OFF MY PHONE!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yeah... I Definitely Need To Put It In A Pocket

So today had it's ups and downs at work. I had some calls that took hours. I caught a tone with one guy just to test him and he was still nice and happy with my dealings of the issue he had. I think my supervisor got a lil frustrated with me today too, because of my constant struggles handling calls, but at the end of my shift when I was leaving she was basically tellin me to not worry about it. Don't take it home with me. Just leave that stress at the workplace. I felt so loved! I must say, the supervisors at my job really are very caring individuals.

Before I go... Special thanks to my friend Shun and his friend DeDe for picking me up on my walk back from McDonald's. That walk was hell, and I probably wouldn't have been able to eat my lunch because of the time, if it weren't for them. So yeah... Thanks y'all!

Oh and my Dad also reminded me of Reba today. So for the first time in over a month I watched Reba again! Love that show. It's hilarious!!... Well... gotta hit this pillow. G'Night!! ^_^

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Do Think the Weekend Had Something to do With it... Still some other Ish Goin On Though...

So... today was a lil less hellish. I was still messin up alot. But some stuff I just really don't get. I could swear so many things were done right, but somehow were going wrong, so I'm n0t gonna burden myself with the guilt. I had a really nice technician call today though. Apparently while trying to conference the call, some shit went wrong, so he had all the reason in the world to be pissed. He got a lil upset, dropped the d bomb and minutes later apologized for getting upset. What do I do that makes everyone who calls love me so much. I wish I could keep it in my pocket like a fallen star and save it for a rainy day.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Maybe it was the 3-Day Weekend

So if you really love me, you've already read my previous post about my first week of real customer calls. And you know that Wednesday and Thursday went really well. Well... today was horrible. I was worn out, not on top of my game, and we were being ravaged with back-to-back calls. We were informed to not go into wrap (a period after a call when we are supposed to finish notes and the trouble ticket from the call which usually is too short anyway)... but this mornin we were expected to not go into wrap mode at all. We were supposed to finish notes and the trouble ticket during the next call. So I was missin quite a few trouble tickets and notes today. I just really was not on my game. Mistakes everywhere... Maybe it was lack of sleep, maybe overworking, maybe it was the weekend, but I was fuckin up royally! But lemme tell you... One thing that didn't change, is how my customers felt about me by the end of the call. Even with all my fuck-ups today, I was able to make my customers satisfied with my service. So to sum up my day... My customers still want me, even on a rainy day. lol I feel better now. Let's see how Tuesday goes.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

So... Wimbledon is over!! All my favorites won! Venus and Serena made it to Wimbledon again, with Venus being the champion. The Williams sisters took the championship title for the doubles tournament, as expected. I mean... it's a wrap as soon as they step out on the court. It's just understood. And I endured one of the greatest matches of all time, between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. I love Federer, but I was going for Nadal (not just cuz he plays left-handed, but because he's f*ckin phenomenal). As I braced myself for this epic journey to the championship, I struggled to keep from blowin my gotdamn brains out. Well... since you're reading this, you must know I am indeed alive and Nadal reigned victorious as the new champion of the Men's Wimbledon Tournament!! Bite your trophy Nadal! You deserve it!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Mornings After

Tuesday - July 1st was much better than day one of real customer calls. But it still was pretty rough. Wednesday and Thursday were both wonderful!! I got my first irate customer to use repetitive profanity on Wednesday!! I was so excited!! It was what I had been waiting for since the first day I ever thought of workin at this place!! By the time I transferred her to my supervisor, she was in love with me and complimenting me as she began to speak to my supervisor. lol On Thursday I continued to get angry customers, but soon I discovered my angry customers always loved me to death. They'd continually give me praise.

So what did I learn from my first week of real calls?

1. Angry customers want to adopt me! They absolutely love me and I can't blame them. I know how to calm the spirit well. They sooo want me. lol

2. I f-ing HATE most of the technicians that call. They either mumble, are rude, or are just impossible to understand... usually it's two or more of the previous. F***ers... However I did get this really sweet one who was Spanish-speaking. I spoke a little English and used the Spanish I knew to let her know I would transfer her to a fluent Spanish-speaking agent. Unfortunately we got disconnected and I didn't have a callback number. I have the feeling she secretly wanted me too.

3. Our breaks are too fucking short! We get two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch break. And when you don't have a car it makes it that much worse. It means I have to walk (run) somewhere to get food and eat it on the walk (again... run) back. Or I have to wait for someone to bring me something, and will more than likely have to scarf it down on my second 15-minute break. We have to use the restroom during one of these breaks, because unfortunately the company can't allow you to take a couple of minutes to take a piss.

So... besides the techs and short breaks... I love my job. It wears me the f*** out, but I love it. I smile throughout most of my calls. What can I say? I enjoy satisfying my customers in a way like they've never been satisfied before... And I mean that in a none-raunchy way. But I hope you did catch the sexual undertone. LMAO Til next time! Holla!


So... gotta tell you... I started taking my first real calls from real customers on Monday - June 30. Y'all... That day was somethin else. This dumb b**** (and I don't mean that in a hateful way... She was just a b****. Just as much a b**** as a cow is a cow.)... but anyway, this dumb b**** called talkin bout "My box is fried, we just had a storm and my box is fried and I need someone to do something about it now!" So... first of all... We do not control the weather, but I didn't tell her that. I was like "Your box ma'am? Are you talkin about your modem? "She's like I need someone who can get this up and runnin in like... 15 minutes!" I ask her can she describe the box to me and again ask if she's referring to her modem again. Then she's like "Look! I don't know if you're new to this, it sounds like you are!... But I need to speak to someone who can help me!" So I transferred her to my supervisor and that was that. I laughed a little and made myself available for the next call... unintentionally. The reason I say unintentionally is because we can put ourselves into wrap mode, which is the time we are allotted to complete notes and submit a trouble ticket. Now when a call ends, you automatically go into wrap. That automatic wrap period is 8 seconds. Well I kept forgetting to put myself into wrap manually and kept gettin this 8-second wrap period. So this resulted in no submission of notes or trouble tickets for that day. I got hung up on twice, and one of those calls I was dismissed from went on for at least an hour. I don't know if I made a wrong turn in my steps for troubleshooting, but I kinda knew the problem from the start. Unfortunately the path I took did not lead me in the direction I had a hunch about. By the end of the call I ended up telling the customer they'd need to contact their firewall provider and unfortunately I can't do anything about their issue. So we had wasted at least an hour on the phone. Sucked for him. LMAO But yeah... those were the highlights of the first day. Stay tuned for more!