Tuesday - July 1st was much better than day one of real customer calls. But it still was pretty rough. Wednesday and Thursday were both wonderful!! I got my first irate customer to use repetitive profanity on Wednesday!! I was so excited!! It was what I had been waiting for since the first day I ever thought of workin at this place!! By the time I transferred her to my supervisor, she was in love with me and complimenting me as she began to speak to my supervisor. lol On Thursday I continued to get angry customers, but soon I discovered my angry customers always loved me to death. They'd continually give me praise.
So what did I learn from my first week of real calls?
1. Angry customers want to adopt me! They absolutely love me and I can't blame them. I know how to calm the spirit well. They sooo want me. lol
2. I f-ing HATE most of the technicians that call. They either mumble, are rude, or are just impossible to understand... usually it's two or more of the previous. F***ers... However I did get this really sweet one who was Spanish-speaking. I spoke a little English and used the Spanish I knew to let her know I would transfer her to a fluent Spanish-speaking agent. Unfortunately we got disconnected and I didn't have a callback number. I have the feeling she secretly wanted me too.
3. Our breaks are too fucking short! We get two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch break. And when you don't have a car it makes it that much worse. It means I have to walk (run) somewhere to get food and eat it on the walk (again... run) back. Or I have to wait for someone to bring me something, and will more than likely have to scarf it down on my second 15-minute break. We have to use the restroom during one of these breaks, because unfortunately the company can't allow you to take a couple of minutes to take a piss.
So... besides the techs and short breaks... I love my job. It wears me the f*** out, but I love it. I smile throughout most of my calls. What can I say? I enjoy satisfying my customers in a way like they've never been satisfied before... And I mean that in a none-raunchy way. But I hope you did catch the sexual undertone. LMAO Til next time! Holla!
2 years ago
YOU SICK FUCK!!! LOL...i'm glad you like your job!!
lol Gracias!
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